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I tried advertising a skincare gadget to male and female groups specificaly, choosing one interest: skincare. I left the age open and the algorithm also heavily selected 13 -17 age group. I am also guessing, that it could be because if you are only paying 5 dollars per day, they can't show your promotion to the most valuable IG users, therefor hey choose cheaper users in that age group. I know that intagram is the most popular platform among 25- 34 year olds and it might be that they are the most expensive to advertise group.

Moh D

"The biggest confirmation is that people on Instagram don’t give a s#!t about you." This is just too funny and should be the headline of a post. Love it!


Great insights Nick, thanks for sharing. It was interesting to see the dramatic skew in the age demographic with the 13-17 bracket. I thought there would have been a lot more 18-34 year olds engageing tbh.

2019-10-22 13:53:48
Nick Eubanks

Thanks Jonathan. I want to point out that this is specifically using the native "boost" functionality within the app. This hasn't at all been my experience when using Facebook's power editor and pushing to instagram.. this seems to just be what's happening on the app itself.. and I'm wondering hoe much of it is the algorithm tailoring even my custom audiences to my specific profile and follower base ?

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